Loyal Orange Lodge #83 (information obtained through Newman Greer)
Kings Own L.O.L. # 83 was organized January 25, 1895.
“To hold a lodge of Loyal Orangemen to meet the last Wednesday of each month in Temperance Hall at Gondola Point, Kings County West, N.B.”
William A. Pitt was the first Worshipful Master. Charter members were:
“To hold a lodge of Loyal Orangemen to meet the last Wednesday of each month in Temperance Hall at Gondola Point, Kings County West, N.B.”
William A. Pitt was the first Worshipful Master. Charter members were:
James Carpenter
Robert Chamberlain
Ernest Flewelling
George Flewelling
Andrew Kirkpatrick
Elijah Kirkpatrick
James Logan
W. H. Logan
Henry Mullet
William A. Pitt
Frederick Saunders
George Saunders
Walter Saunders
Edward Toole
- July 4, 1910 minutes – Motion passed that we receive a lot of land from Herbert Saunders on which to build a hall.
- Jan.14, 1911 moved that we meet here next Thursday night with the ladies that are going to take part in celebration of the dedication of our hall.
- In 1933 Hartley Hayward transferred by certificate from # 83 to #6 at Upper Golden Grove.
- Lodge inactive from Oct. 1939 to Sept. 1945.
- The hall in Gondola Point being in disrepair started meeting Nov. 1945 in United Church Hall, Quispamsis. Moved to Gondola Point Community Hall Jan. 1954.
- An outstanding member of #83 was the late Robert Chamberlain of Gondola Point who was a member of the Orange Order for 86 years, and lived to the age of 103.
- On Nov.27, 1962 they held the first meeting in their new hall in Fairvale, now designated 135 Hampton Road. Hazen Wiggins donated the land and much of the lumber and volunteers built the hall.
- The local Ladies Orange Benevolent Association was also active at this time and donations were made to many worthwhile charities.
- The Lodge later became inactive for several years, until on Oct.9, 1981 it was reorganized with Newman Greer as Worshipful Master and James Watson as Recording Secretary.
- In 1983 it received the New Brunswick Grand Lodge honor of Outstanding Lodge of the year.
- By 1990 membership had decreased to the point where the hall was sold and the proceeds used to set up the Hazen Wiggins Memorial Award of the Kings Own Loyal Orange Lodge #83 for graduates of Kennebecasis Valley High Schools to help further their education. Three bursaries of one thousand dollars are awarded each year. The recipients are chosen by a five-person selection committee of Kennebecasis Valley High School. Donations were also made to the local food bank and other charities.
- A bronze plaque can be seen at the Atrium of the Saint John Regional Hospital commemorating a donation of several thousand dollars.
- The few remaining members affiliated with St. Martins Orange Lodge #16 in 1994.